Video Analysis

While all in-person lessons include Video Analysis, we offer 2 additional analysis packages.

REMOTE VIDEO ANALYSIS: On your own, or with help from a friend, video yourself and later get your stroke analyzed. This package is for those who swim alone or do not get feedback, and need to identify the big hitters. You will be sent a template for best angles from which to be videoed. You and Coach Lorin will later spend 30 minutes online evaluating the videos and reinforcing focus items for workouts (up to 60-min the first time). EVERYONE benefits from seeing themselves on video! Find the drills you need. Identify the workout focus items that are a priority. A popular option for those with very limited time, do not have access to professional coaching, or are current clients and just need a "tune-up." Getting a quick look once in a while without the time constraints of traveling to a pool can result in a breakthrough. Just 30- to 60-minutes talking with both of us on a computer is all it takes. Remote Video Analysis can be a very efficient path forward.  Schedule here.

ADVANCED VIDEO ANALYSIS: Detailed analysis with a calculated prediction of your new race time(s). The Advanced package is for elite youth, dedicated Masters, and college swimmers. Best done with Lorin poolside during videoing, the later analysis and review can be done remotely. The advanced package provides much more in-depth analysis, with a near frame-by-frame evaluation. Reasoning and calculations for recommended improvements, and a projected improvement in race time for one or two strokes are provided. Contact Lorin for team/group pricing. Schedule here.


HISTORY: Reviewing videos began many, many years ago when a former youth swimmer contacted me because “we aren’t receiving any feedback, but I think I can break my university’s 500 record.” She sent me a VCR tape, we exchanged several phone conversations, and … success! Now, a submersible iPad is used pool-side at every lesson. Your videos are stored and available for review anytime in your online video library (currently using OnForm).

The Remote part of video analysis has become a much more powerful tool than I initially envisioned it to be. Clients record themselves, or have a friend help, using the OnForm app. I then follow up with detailed analysis. Go to the Before and After link for some examples. We schedule a review session after I have had a chance to analyze, typically using Zoom. Everyone benefits from seeing themselves on video, which is why I insist it be a standard part of all we offer at TechSwim. Seeing is believing! Schedule here.

Back arch and legs skinking create enormous drag.

Back arch and legs skinking create enormous drag.

Feet turned outward now. No more Breaststroke DQs!

Feet turned outward now. No more Breaststroke DQs!

This Masters swimmer is on his line! And has decent ankle flexibility.

This Masters swimmer is on his line! And has decent ankle flexibility.

Video analysis revealed that this lap swimmer moves forward 40% less when his legs splay.

Video analysis revealed that this lap swimmer moves forward 40% less when his legs splay.

“I had never actually seen myself moving underwater and analyzing those tapes with him helped me grow exponentially.” State Record Holder